Career & Professional Training

whether you are an ICT or business professional, CCS has the key of direction that will give you an important value for your future!


Robotex & MRC 2024

Robotex MRC 2024: An Unforgettable Weekend of Robotics and Innovation

The Robotex MRC Cyprus 2024 event concluded with tremendous success on June 29-30 at the University of Cyprus, bringing together over 600 roboticists for more than 25 robotic challenges.

With the participation of prominent figures and thousands of visitors, the event highlighted innovation and technology, featuring interactive exhibitions, smart robots, and various other activities.

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    Digital Futures 1st International Educational Workshop on Cyber Security and Cyber Safety

    The Digital Futures Project is pleased to announce the successful completion of its 1st International Educational Workshop, held in Larnaka, Cyprus from July 15-19, 2024. This event, marked by insightful sessions and collaborative discussions, brought together key stakeholders from various sectors in Cyprus to address pressing issues in cyber security, cyber safety and digital literacy. For more information about the Project and upcoming events, please visit our Facebook page @DigitalFuturesProject or contact us on [email protected]

    Exploring the Impact of AI Tools on Education: Global Trends and the Case of Cyprus

    As part of the completion of master’s thesis in Artificial Intelligence (European University Cyprus) we are investigating the topic: “Exploring the Impact of AI Tools on Education: Global Trends and the Case of Cyprus”.

    FREE Cybersecurity and Internet Safety Workshop, 16-18 July 2024 in Larnaca for young people between 18-30 years old who are interested in developing their digital skills.

    The Cyprus Computer Society as the coordinator of the Erasmus+ Digital Futures programme is organising a 3-day workshop in Larnaca, Cyprus, from 16-18 July 2024! We are looking for 8 young people between 18-30 years old with no background in IT to participate for FREE and explore together the importance of security in the digital world.


    Cyprus Olympiad in Informatics

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    Cyprus BEBRAS Challenge

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    Cyprus Cyber Security Challenge

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    Robotex Cyprus

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    WRO Cyprus

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    First Lego League Cyprus

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    CCS Projects

    Digital Futures

    The project aims to educate young people in cybersecurity, digital literacy and storytelling, media education, entrepreneurship, social and creative economy.

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    CODEDU will create a cutting-edge gamified e-Learning platform with an innovative curriculum and a toolkit for students and educators, with online workshops and the use of Arduino modules.

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    The project aims to develop an eco-system supported by an online platform for the Acquisition and Assessment of Digital Competences using micro-credentials on the 5 areas of the digital competence according to DigComp v2.2.

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    Femme Forward is a forward-looking project targeting the low representation of women in digital jobs and start-ups. Through an innovative and comprehensive training programme, women will be empowered to either start a career in tech or employ their experience and knowledge to set up a tech start-up

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    CybARverse is an Erasmus+ co-funded project which supports IT as well as non-IT teachers and trainers’ digital skills development, through the use of immersive technologies.

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    Fostering digital Transformation in VET schools and creating new job prospects in the labour market

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    Coding Our Future

    The program includes events, seminars and workshops to promote and develop computer and programming skills

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    All Digital Week

    ALL DIGITAL Week is a pan-European annual digital inclusion and empowerment campaign targeting the general public

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    Code Week

    EU Code Week is a movement that celebrates creativity, problem-solving and collaboration through programming and other tech activities

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    European Robotics Week

    The European Robotics Week (ERW) aims to bring robotics research and development closer to the public and to build the future Robotics Society

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    Hour of Code

    The Hour of Code takes place every in December during the Computer Science Education Week

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    CEPIS Women in ICT Expert group

    This expert group was established to pool the expertise from its Member Societies on the topic of women in ICT

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