Dear teachers (of all educational levels and all specialties), please take a moment to fill out the following questionnaire:

Exploring the Impact of AI Tools on Education: Global Trends and the Case of Cyprus
As part of the completion of master’s thesis in Artificial Intelligence (European University Cyprus) we are investigating the topic: “Exploring the Impact of AI Tools on Education: Global Trends and the Case of Cyprus”.
Your support in this research is highly appreciated and will contribute significantly to understanding the usefulness and potential benefits of Artificial Intelligence tools within Cyprus educational system. In this context, we kindly invite educators in Cypriot schools and universities to participate in the survey “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION”       

The survey is approved by the Bioethics Committee of Cyprus and is estimated to take about 10 minutes.
For more information or inquiries, please contact Maria Mella (master in AI student) [email protected] 

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