Virtual Robotics Platform Presentation

We invite you to the presentation of an online educational robotics platform, in which children aged 8 and over can participate in robotics activities without the use of robotic equipment.

The platform may be used for training and preparation for participation in robotics competitions.

Cyprus Informatics Olympiad students win 5 medals in Lotfi Zadeh Olympiad

Five total medals were awarded to students of the Informatics Olympiad in the international competition of Informatics and Mathematics Lotfi Zadeh Olympiad, which was held online December 20-25.

KORMAKITIS CENTER FOR COOPERATION(KCC): Tender for the design of the organization's logo.

KORMAKITIS CENTER FOR COOPERATION(KCC): Tender for the design of the organization's logo.

KCC is pleased to announce an open tender for the design of the organization's logo. The successful bidder will win the prize of €300

The terms of participation in the competition can be found at the following link.

Supportcy In Business Insert "People and Organizations of the front line"

In the recent In Business insert entitled "People and Organizations of the front line" (pp. 44-46) you can read the statements of the secretary of the board of CCS, Dr. Panicos Masouras regarding the involvement of CCS in the Supportcy network.

2021 EQUALS in Tech Awards


2021 EQUALS in Tech Awards, Thursday 9 December 2021, 15.35-16.35 CET by the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

You are cordially invited to attend the 2021 EQUALS in Tech Awards, to be held virtually within the context of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2021). Please join us as we recognize the five award winners whose work this year was so inspiring in bridging the gender digital divide. We will join together as a community to celebrate success stories from around the world, share lessons learned and highlight inspiring, impactful work.  

Pilot deployment of the sensor systems at EAC Head offices

On October 2021, LightSense project members had successfully installed the sensor systems at EAC Head offices in Nicosia. The sensor systems monitor the temperature and strain of the optical cables for providing useful information and also for identifying abnormal behaviors on the cables and thus in general possible network failures in the power network.

Informative webinar on the Cyprus Cyber ​​Security Challenge for ICT educators and trainers

The Cyprus Computer Society and the Cyber ​​Mouflons Cyber ​​Security Group are organizing an informative online presentation on the Cyprus Cyber ​​Security Challenge. The presentation aims to ICT teachers, educators and trainers

Speaker: Simon Loizides, mentor and cybersecurity professional
Date: Monday 20 December 2021, 7.00-8.00pm



The 6th online meetup #EcoXCyprus is focused on how a startup approaches investors. The organisers invited angel investors, venture capitals from Cyprus, Greece, US, Europe, Russia, Middle East to discuss this hot startup subject and also answer all the questions you have. The event is hosted by the startup journalist and founder at Startups364 Panis Pieri. 


CCS and Robotex Cyprus featured in IN Business magazine

Read the interview of the secretary of the board of CCS, Dr. Panikou Masoura regarding the actions of the association as well as for the Pancyprian Robotics Competition Robotex Cyprus.

Balkan Tournament in Informatics 2021

The Balkan Tournament in Informatics was held in Sioumen, Bulgaria from November 24-29 and the Cypriot team received three bronze medals with Christos Falas, Dimitris Chrysostomou Theofanis Orfanou and the participation of Markos Kalavas. In the junior category, the team membere were of Orestis Souzos, Loukas Loukas, Polykarpos Christodoulou and George Laouris. The leaders of the team were Joachim Sykopetritis (Lyceum of Polemidia) and Angelos Poulis (EKPA).



European University Cyprus and CERIDES are excited to announce the implementation of the 1st online hackathon #HackHEUREKA, within the framework of the DG-ECHO – funded project HEUREKA. Six (6) scholarships are available for the winners of #HackHEUREKA. The scholarships are kindly offered by European University Cyprus.

Full information about #HackHEUREKA is available at the following link:

Registrations for #HackHEUREKA through the following link:


INFOCOM conferences
CCS supports the "online three-day technology festival" organized by Smart Com & Smart Press on December 7-8 - 9 - Infocom Cyprus - Infocom Security Cyprus - Security Project Cyprus - respectively.


CCS supports the the 12th edition ofgame development competition «GDC/LOGIPAIGNION 2022» for the school year 2021-2022, that is organised by CYENS Centre of Excellence, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nicosia.

Students from Aradippou Gymnasium represented Cyprus in the World Robotics Olympiad WRO

Students from Aradippou High School represented Cyprus in the World Robotics Olympiad WRO which took place online on November 18-21, 2021.

Cyprus team consisted of the students: George Charalambous, Andreas Poulis and Zannettos Efthimiou with Mr George Petrou as their coach. The young robotists designed, built and programmed a robot that took part in this year's "PowerBots - The Future of Energy" field challenges.

International Awards of Cyprus in Robotics

The Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) proudly shares news on the future of robotics in Cyprus! On Sunday, November 7, a three-day event took place, where robotics teams representing Cyprus received many awards at the Robotex International Competition, held in Tallinn, Estonia.

Award Ceremony of the Cyprus Cybersecurity National Team

The Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) organized the award ceremony of the Cyprus Cybersecurity Team that took place on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at the University of Cyprus.

The return of Robotex Cyprus

he 4th Pancyprian Robotex Robotics Competition organized by the Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) was successfully completed οn Sunday, October 24, 2021. Robotex Cyprus 2021 was under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus and was hosted at the Gymnasio Agiou Ioannou Chrysostomou in Lakatamia.

Special Pirces for book-sized computers

KP WINTEC LTD, a distributor of ECS Taiwan products, offers special prices to CCS members for the purchase of book-sized computers suitable for schools and offices. 

Up 2 Youth: Cyprus Olympiad in Informatics

Watch two of our "Olympians" in the episode of the Youth Organization for the Pancyprian IT Olympiad

European Cyber Security Month - Awareness raising activities for seniors from the European University Cyprus

On 27 October from 9am-11.00, Dr. Yianna Danidou from the European University Cyprus and member of the Cyprus Cyber Security Challenge will present the Awareness raising activities for seniors.

CEPIS online event on Gender equality in the IT workplace

Join us on 26 November 2021 online from 10:00 to 12:30 CET at our event “Gender equality in the IT workplace: breaking down the barriers“. Registrations:

European Cyber Security Month - Entry points & career opportunities in cybersecurity for UCLan Cyprus

On 22 October from 6-8pm, Dr. Eliana Stavrou from the UCLan Cyprus and member of the Cyprus Cyber Security Challenge will present the  career opportunities in cybersecurity.

European Cyber Security Month - Awareness raising activities for SMEs from the European University Cyprus

On 20 October from 9am-12.00, Dr. Yianna Danidou from the European University Cyprus and member of the Cyprus Cyber Security Challenge will present the cybersecurity in relation to SMEs

CEPIS - Otober 2021 Newsletter

The CEPIS October 2021 Newsletter has been released.

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