Boussias Cyprus invite you to the IBM TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE 2023 event which will take place on Dec. 14th, 2023 at Cyta Amphitheater. 
Join us to share ideas, spark innovation, and co-create solutions that drive growth and transformation for you and your teams. In today’s fast-paced business world, IBM’s top-level technologies can help you navigate your organization through times of great change and even greater opportunity. 
During the event you will have the opportunity to connect with subject matter experts and hear all the latest updates in technology and business strategy.
We will discuss how significant advances in technology drive organizations to excel in a digital world, and how emerging technologies impact the future of sustainability, innovation and research, talent retention, and automation.
Moreover, we will dive into data and AI, cybersecurity, and business modernization with hybrid cloud; all viewed through the lens of the competitive advantages IBM technologies can provide to your organization.
Book your ticket!

For more information please contact Elena Hadjinicolaou 
Senior Business Development Executive, Boussias Cyprus / Α: Koletti 14, 2028 Nicosia Cyprus / P: +357 22252572 (ext. 114), M: +357 96494925, E: [email protected]

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