Στις 22 Οκτωβρίου 6-8 μμ., η Δρ. Ηλιάνα Σταύρου από το Πανεπιστήμιο UCLan Cyprus και μέλος και του Συμβουλευτικού Σώματος του Παγκύπριου Διαγωνισμού Κυβερνοασφάλειας θα μιλήσει για τις σπουδές στον τομέα της κυβερνοασφάλειας. 

The purpose of this seminar is to highlight the multidisciplinary nature of cybersecurity and inform young people, parents and career advisors about entry points and career opportunities in cybersecurity. Additionally, the seminar will highlight the cybersecurity related knowledge and skills that young people should develop while pursuing different studies at a bachelor or a master level. The seminar will also increase visibility of other activities, beyond academic studies, which aim to develop skills in cybersecurity.

Presentation Link: https://dsacy.webex.com/dsacy/j.php?MTID=me85831b9de4d3fecf8d4199eb59d56ba

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